
产业特征、空间差异与制造业地理集中:基于中国数据的实证分析 被引量:18

Industrial Character,Spatial Disparity and Geographic Concentration of Manufacturing Industry-Empirical Study from Chinese Data
摘要 本文利用中国1993-2007年25个两位数制造业数据实证分析了产业特征、空间差异与制造业地理集中的关系。结果发现:自从1993年以来,我国制造业的产业集中度日益提高,在行业上,资源型产业集中度最高,变化率最低,高技术产业集中度居中,变化率其次,其余类型产业集中度最低,变化率最高。影响不同产业在不同地区地理集中的因素也存在着很大差异,内部条件(经济发展水平、技术创新能力)和外部条件(地理位置、外国直接投资)的共同作用促使高技术产业高度集聚在沿海地区中的相对发达地区,沿海地区中相对落后地区以及内陆地区中相对发达地区对于劳动密集型产业的进入和发展更具有吸引力,而资源型产业的发展则集中在内陆地区中的落后区域。 This paper empirically estimates the industrial character, spatial disparity and geographic concentration of china's manufacturing industry using a large sample of data included 25 two digit manufacturing during 1993 - 2007. It is shown that China's manufacturing industry has increased in geographic concentration since 1993, the concentration level of natural resource industry is the highest but its changing rate is the lowest, high technology industry is in the middle and its changing rate is in the middle, the rest industry has the lowest concentration leavel while its changing rate is the highest. The determinants of concentration of various industries at different regions have remarkable differences. Initial development level, position, FDI and technology innovation make high technology industry concentrated in the relatively developed coastal provinces. Less developed coastal provinces and relatively developed inland provinces are more attractive to the labor intensive industry. Natural resource industry is concentrated in the less developed inland provinces.
作者 薄文广
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期51-64,共14页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"中国区域增长差异与区域协调发展研究:基于空间经济学视角的分析"(07JC790026) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"全球金融危机对我国产业转移和产业升级的影响及对策研究"(09JZD0018)的资助
关键词 产业特征 区位基尼系数 制造业 Industrial Character Locational Gini Coefficient Manufacturing Industry
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