
国际核不扩散体制的困境与朝核问题 被引量:3

Predicament in International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Mechanism as Evident from the DPRK Nuclear Issue
摘要 核不扩散机制正面临崩溃局面的原因,除核不扩散机制自身存在未能和国际安全机制有机结合的严重缺陷外,强权政治和霸权主义肆意践踏和推行双重标准为害至巨.而核不扩散机制未顾及地缘政治的复杂性,也在一定程度上失去公正性。朝核问题的演变表明,半岛安全局势早已超出朝核问题本身的意义,正是美国的制裁、威胁和以推动核不扩散谋取战略优势的政策取向迫使朝鲜从主张半岛无核化到正式拥核,也是美国霸权的言而无信导致六方会谈一次又一次陷入僵局。强权政治是催生核扩散的土壤。只有构筑全球安全环境,才是解决核不扩散问题的根本出路。 Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons(NPT) will be taken into deliberation near at hand.If we evaluate the results of previous conferences and meetings and look at the development of international nuclear proliferation situation in recent 10 years,we will see that nuclear non-proliferation mechanism is on the verge of disintegration.As we trace it to its source,we will find out that,in addition to some serious drawbacks in existence in nuclear nonproliferation mechanism itself that is not well integrated into international security mechanism,power politics,hegemony and practice of double standards have done a lot of harm.Meanwhile nuclear non-proliferation mechanism does not take into account the complexities of geopolitics,and that has,to some extent,compromised its impartiality.The evolution of the DPRK nuclear issue shows that security situation on the Korean Peninsula has for a long time been beyond the scope of the issue itself.It is only because of the U.S imposition of sanctions and threats and its intent on furthering its aims of achieving strategic superiority by pushing forward nuclear non-proliferation that has made DPRK change from advocating denuclearization on the peninsular to formally going nuclear.It is also because of the U.S.failure to live up to its promise due to its hegemony that has repeatedly plunged the Six-Party Talks into impasse.Power politics is the soil to breed nuclear proliferation.Once a global security environment is created,can the fundamental way out for the settlement of nuclear nonproliferation issue be found
作者 时永明
出处 《和平与发展》 2010年第3期6-11,共6页 Peace and Development
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  • 1North korean nuclear developments:an updaten chronology [EB/ OL]. http://www.nti.org/db/archives/nuc/chron/dprkn3.htm.
  • 2McCain Dole,et al., Amendment to S. 2201 (FAA Authorization Act), Congressional Record, Vol.140, Part 9, June 16, 1994, pp. 13278-92.










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