为了探明小儿恶性淋巴瘤与C-m yc 基因的关系,本文采用免疫组化法检测了33 例该瘤石蜡切片中C-m yc基因的表达水平。结果显示:肿瘤组的C-m yc染色阳性率为39.4% ,其中,T细胞型淋巴瘤为11.1% ,B细胞型淋巴瘤和何杰金病均为50.0% ;反应性增生组的阳性率仅为8.9% 。表明C-m yc基因的表达与小儿恶性淋巴瘤,特别是与B细胞型淋巴瘤及何杰金病的发生有一定关系。
In order to investigate the relationship between C\|myc gene and pediatric malignant lymphoma and its clinical significance, C\|myc were assessed retrospectively in 33 cases of pediatric malignant lymphoma by immunohistochemistry assay. The results were as follows: C\|myc were expressed in 13 cases of tumor group (positive rate 39 4%), among which, the positive rate of type T cell malignant lymphoma was 11 1%, and type B cell malignant lymphoma and Hodgkin′s disease was 50 0%, respectively. In the control group(reactive proliferation of the lymphnodes), the positive rats was 8 9%. The results show that there is a close relationship between expression of C\|myc gene and occurrence of malignant lymphoma, particularly for type B cell and Hodgkin′s disease.\;
Beijing Medical Journal