AIM: To investigate the regularity and significanceof expression of connexin 32 (Cx32) in human hepatocellularcarcinoma (HCC), pericancerous liver and normal liver tissues. METHODS: Expression of Cx32 in 47 cases of humanHCC, 15 cases of pericancerous liver tissues and 9 oasses ofnormal heptocyres were detected by SP immunohistochemicalmethod. RESULTS: Cx32 antigen postive stain located notonly in the eytopiasm but also on hte membranes of hepatceytes. The dotoetion rates of Cx32 in HCC, poricancerousliver tissue and notmal liver tissues were 41. 7%, 73. 3% and8 8. 9% respectively. In HCC degree, the rates are50. 0%, 42. 9% and 38. 9%. The lower degree, the lowerpositive rate. Chi-square test suggested that Cx32 positiverate in HCC was significant lower than that in pericancerousliver tissur and normal liver tissues (P< 0.01). CONCLUSION: The decrease of Cx32 protein might play an importantrole in hepatocarcinogenesis.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University