

The clinical studies of operating room nurse own protection
摘要 目的:探讨手术室工作环境对医护人员职业危害的范围,形成原因及其危害程度,及时有效地采取相应的防护对策。方法:通过临床观察和分析认识到手术室护士长期工作在受空气污染、生物感染、电离辐射、心理危害的密闭环境中,且长时间保持颈椎屈位站立,注意力高度集中,进食不规律等,使得手术室护士成为高危群体。针对各种危害因素,采用加强室内空气流通,避免生物感染、避免电离辐射、防止身体疲劳等防护措施,强化职业安全教育,提高自身防护意识。结果:增强了手术室护士的自身保护意识,减少了环境污染,真正达到职业安全防护。结论:减少或消除造成职业危害的各种因素是防护措施的关键。 Objective:Discusses occupation harm scope of working conditions to the medical staff in the operating room,forms the reason to the harm degree, takes the corresponding protection countermeasure promptly and effectively. Method:Through the clinical observation and the analysis, realized the operating room nurses in airtight environment of the air pollution ,the biological infection,the ionisation radiation and the psychological harm,and the long time maintenance cervical vertebra bends the position to stand,the attention of high degree of concentration,does not eat food regularly and so on, enables the operating room nurse to become the high -risk community. In view of each kind of harm factor, to enhance room the air circulation, to avoid the biological infection, to avoid the ionisation radiation, to prevente body weary and so on protective measures, to strengthen occupational safety education, to raise own protection consciousness. Results To strengthen the operating room nurse's own protection consciousness, reduced the environmental pollution, achieves the occupational safety protection truly. Conclusions: The reduction or the elimination the kinds of factor of the occupation harm is key of the protective measures.
作者 赵淑华
出处 《医学信息(中旬刊)》 2010年第7期1675-1677,共3页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 手术室 护士 职业危害因素 防护 Operating room Nurse Occupation harm factor Protection
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