

The Rise of China Unicom
摘要 凭借手中的WCDMA网络在全球部署最广泛、产业链最成熟、终端也最丰富的优势,联通在3G的起跑阶段取得了一个身位的领先。 It was in 1994 that China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. (China Unicom) was incorporated in a bid to break the monopoly in the telecom industry and bring more competitions. However, the young telecom carrier failed to meet such great expectations and was even suppressed by the leading operator in the past decade. It was not until 2009 did China Unicom see some silver lining to make things difference. Early that year, China Unicom was assigned by the governments with WCDMA license, the most mature third generation (3G) telecom license with plentiful terminals. Learning from the gains and losses in the previous years, China Unicom did not take rash strategies but launched a step-by-step one stressing on network, businesses and services. It established a new, fashionable service brand 'WO' to attract new customers; meanwhile, it facilitated 3G network construction to expand its bandwidth. In addition, the operator adjusted its human resource structure after the merger with China Netcom Group in 2009 and thus enhanced management efficiency. These strategies seemed to have yielded good results. China Unicom unveiled a series of star handsets including Apple's iPhone, Lenovo's LePhone after October of last year, and also successfully practiced its 3G marketing campaigns. These moves changed the previous low-end image of China Unicom in consumers' hearts. But China Unicom stall has a long way to go before it transfers its leading networks to advanced businesses and services.
作者 苏娟 冀勇庆
出处 《IT经理世界》 2010年第13期60-72,8,共13页
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