目的通过近4年上海市职业性健康检查情况的分析,为进一步加强职业健康监护工作和制订卫生标准提供依据。方法选用疑似职业病检出率、职业禁忌证检出率、复查率作为评价指标,用秩和比法综合评价2005~2008年间上海市职业性健康检查的总体情况。结果 2005年职业健康检查情况的RSRW最大,与2007~2008年比较,差异无统计学意义;而与2006年比较差异有统计学意义;2006、2007、2008年三者间的RSRW差异无统计学意义。结论 2005年的上海市职业健康检查情况最好,与其余各年间差异可能与用人单位、劳动者对职业健康监护知识的了解与重视程度及生产环境的综合因素有关,有待进一步监测。
Objective The data harvested from the work of occupational health examination implemented in Shanghai from 2005 to 2008 were analyzed to provide the scientific evidence for improving occupational health surveillance system and revising occupational exposure limits. Methods The Rank Sum Ratio (RSR) method was used to evaluate the indicator, such as the detection ratio of suspected ease of occupational disease, the detection ratio of the case of occupational contraindication and percentage of case needed reexamination, adjusted by SR and empirical weighting coefficient. Results The RSRW value in 2005 is highest. The difference between the values in 2005 and 2007 was not statistically significant, while the difference between the values in 2006 and 2008 was statistically significant. Conclusion These resuhs showed the work of occupational heahh examination in 2005 was the best. The difference of RSRW values in different year was possibly attributed to the variation of occupational environment and the workers self-protection consciousness and preventive measures taken by the employers.
Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
Occupational health examination
Rank sum ratio (RSR)
Comprehensive evaluation