
20世纪90年代以来美国学前读写教育改革动向之管窥——基于对“开端计划”改进措施的分析 被引量:5

A Restricted View on the Reforming Trend of American Preschool Literate Education since the 1990s——On the Basis of the Analysis of the Improving Measurements of Project Head Start
摘要 儿童在小学低年级阶段面临的主要挑战是学会阅读与写作,而读写潜能在幼儿期就有所萌动并亟待开发。旨在向处境不利的幼儿提供教育援助以消解代际贫困恶性循环的美国开端计划自20世纪90年代以来采取了彰显学前儿童主体、优化学前课程模式、统整读写教学内容、提升幼儿师资素养、拓展多元培训路径、增进幼儿家园合作和倡导亲子分享阅读等多种改进措施,为儿童创设丰富的语言环境,以促进其读写能力的发展。该项计划的改进成效是显著的,表征着美国学前读写教育改革与发展的主流动向。 The major challenges children face in the early elementary grades are learning to read and write, while the literate potential in early childhood emerges and urgently needs to be developed. Since the 1990s, Project Head Start in the U.S. that aims to offer educational assistance to the young children in disadvantaged families to break the vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty takes a variety of improving measurements that include embodying the subjects of preschool children, optimizing the models of preschool curricula ,integrating the contents of literacy teaching,improving the qualities of preschool teachers ,developing the ways of diversity training,enhancing the home-school cooperation and advocating parent-child shared-book reading,which create rich language environments for young children and foster their literacy growth. The effect of this project has proved to be remarkable ,and it represents the main trend of the reform and development of American preschool literate education.
作者 宋秋英
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期49-53,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 读写能力 开端计划 学前儿童 美国 literacy skills Project Head Start preschool children America
  • 相关文献


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