
动态表情对面孔启动效应的影响 被引量:1

The Influence of Active Expression on the Face Priming Effect
摘要 采用静、动态呈现不同面部表情的方式,考察表情对面孔启动效应的影响。其中操纵了表情的效价(正性和负性)和面孔的清晰性。结果发现,静态呈现时,面孔启动效应显著,且不受面孔清晰度影响;而表情效应不显著。动态呈现时,只在模糊条件下出现了明显的面孔启动效应;而表情效应显著,对负性表情的反应速度明显快于对正性表情的反应,且不受面孔清晰度影响。两种呈现方式下,对清晰面孔的加工均优于模糊面孔。说明陌生面孔的启动效应不稳定,受注意分配的影响。而表情的动态性是吸引注意的重要因素,且负性表情能捕获更多的注意资源。清晰度影响面孔的加工水平,进而影响面孔启动效应的产生。 Using static and dynamic ways to display different facial expressions, this study investigated the influence of expressions on the face priming effect, in which the nature of expressions (positive and negative) and the clarity of the faces were manipulated. The result showed that the face priming effect independent of the clarity of face was significant and no significant emotion effect was observed when expressions were displayed statically. Contrarily, the face priming effect was significant only in the condition of vague faces while the emotion effect was significant, that is to say, the reaction time :for negative facial expressions is markedly shorter than that for positive ones independent of the influence of the clarity of face, when expressions were displayed dymanically. The processing of clear face, was better than that of the fuzzy ones, no matter whether the facial expressions were displayed in a static or dynamic way. The results suggest that the priming effect of unfamiliar faces is unstable and can be influenced by the allocation of attention. The dynamic expression is an important factor in attracting one's attention. Moreover, clarity influences the level of face processing, thereby affecting the presentce of the face priming effect.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期564-568,572,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-08-0801) 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2007年度教育部重点课题(DBA070070) 教育部人文社科规划基金项目(08JAXLX011) 陕西师大研究生创新基金资助
关键词 动态表情 面孔 启动效应 内隐面孔再认 active expression, face, priming effect, implicit face recognition
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