
中美双边投资协定对中国经济的影响——基于美国双边投资协定范本(2004)的分析 被引量:10

The Impact of US-China Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) on China's Economy:an Analysis of the US 2004 Model BIT
摘要 中美双边投资协定将是2010年在北京进行的、两国第二轮战略与经济对话的主要关注点之一。通过分析比较中美双边投资协定可能给中国带来的收益与冲击,本文认为,如果在美国双边投资协定范本(2004)基础上达成该协定,不仅难以达到促进中美间直接投资和证券投资增长的目的,而且会使中国在外资准入限制与资金跨境流动管理方面面临巨大的风险。 The US-China BIT is one of the main highlights of the second round of US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, to be held in Beijing in 2010. This paper compares the BIT's benefits and impacts to China. According to the analysis in this article, the treaty would not attain its objective to bring about increasing direct investments and stock investments between China and the US were it be concluded based on US 2004 Model BIT. Furthermore, China would have to undertake huge risks on issues related to foreign investment restrictions and governance of cross-border capital flows.
作者 田丰
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期75-88,共14页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
关键词 双边投资协定 中美战略与经济对话 美国双边投资协定范本 Bilateral Investment Treaty / US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue / US 2004 Model BIT
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