
600 V-30 A 4H-SiC肖特基二极管作为IGBT续流二极管的研究 被引量:4

600 V-30 A 4H-SiC SBD Used as FreewheelingDiode for IGBT Module
摘要 采用碳化硅外延和器件工艺制造了碳化硅肖特基(SBD)二极管,耐压超过600 V。正向压降为1.6 V时,器件电流达到30A。作为IGBT续流二极管,600 V碳化硅肖特基二极管和国际整流器公司的600 V超快恢复二极管(Ultra fast diode)进行了对比:125℃IGBT模块动态开关测试中,碳化硅二极管的反向恢复能耗比硅二极管节省90%,相应的IGBT开通能耗节省30%。另外反向恢复中过电压从40%降为10%,这是由于碳化硅的软度高,提高了模块的可靠性。 The 600 V 4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diode(SBD) was designed and fabricated based on in-house SiC epitaxy and device technology.The SiC SBD was packaged together with total current of 30 A and forward voltage drop of 1.6 V.As a free-wheeling diode for the Si IGBT(switching measurements were done at 125℃),the 600 V SiC SBD was compared to the 600 V ultra-fast diode from International Rectifier Co..The SiC diode achieved 90% recovery loss reduction the and corresponding IGBT showed 30% lower turn-on loss.Also the voltage spike was reduced from 40% to 10% due to high softness of the SiC SBD.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期292-296,共5页 Research & Progress of SSE
关键词 4H碳化硅 肖特基二极管 快恢复二极管 软度 4H-SiC SBD diode ultra-fast diode softness
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