基于推进独特的销售主张理论发展的宗旨,修正Reeves的理论目的和假定条件。基于规范的测量营销概念的多阶段量表开发程序,在详细分析已有文献的基础上,界定独特的销售主张感知概念,分3个子研究从消费者视角验证独特的销售主张感知测量量表的可靠性、有效性和普适性。在包装型消费品领域筛选16个品牌产品的独特的销售主张作为刺激物,重点有效访问1 159位目标消费者。研究结果表明,独特的销售主张感知维度由安全保证、知识学习、差异识别和情感亲近构成。为了深入分析各个构成因子的作用,在研究中增加独特的销售主张感知各个构成因子对品牌承诺效应的研究,结果表明安全保证和情感亲近正向影响品牌情感承诺,知识学习正向影响品牌持续承诺,差异识别对这两个结果变量不存在显著效应。剖析独特的销售主张感知特性,充实独特的销售主张理论架构,指出其基本的应用方法。
For the purpose of promoting the theory development of unique selling proposition(USP),we extend the theoretical purpose of Reeves and modify its postulate conditions.According to the multi-stage paradigm for developing better measures of marketing constructs and comprehensive literature review,we specify the USP perception,and prove that the measurement scale of USP perception is reliable,valid and generalizable through three sub-studies from consumers′ perspective.We primarily chose the USPs of 16 brand products in the consumer packaged goods as stimuli and interviewed the 1 159 eligible target consumers for theses brand products.We find that the USP perception dimensions include safety guarantee,knowledge learning,differentiation identity and affectivity intimacy.In addition,we add the study of the effect of USP perception factors on brand commitment.Meanwhile,the results show that safety guarantee and affectivity intimacy are positively related to affective brand commitment,respectively.Meanwhile,knowledge learning is positively related to continuance brand commitment,and the effect of differentiation identity on these two outcome variables is not significant.This study analyzes USP perception and enriches the theoretical framework of USP,pointing out the basic application.
Journal of Management Science