
电子书阅读器,现在与未来的桥梁——2009年电子书阅读器产业的发展与影响述评 被引量:20

eReader, A Bridge to the Future
摘要 电子书阅读器在2009年是一个相当热门的话题,以亚马逊的电子书阅读器Kindle为代表的阅读器产品也成为市场上抢手的产品。电子书阅读器产业的发展也带动了真正的电子图书个人消费的增长,使得电子图书从B2B市场开始走向B2C市场,从而推动了整个出版产业的数字化进程。文章介绍了电子书阅读器的概念、技术与历史,回顾了2009年整个产业发展的进程,也分析了电子书阅读器与电子书内容相关联的商务模式和博弈双方的互相促进作用。同时评论了国内外图书馆对电子书阅读器的相关应用。最后本文指出电子书阅读器起到了连接传统出版与数字出版、传统阅读与数字阅读以及纸质社会与无纸化社会的桥梁的作用,作为深受影响的图书馆行业应该做好迎接未来的准备。 eReader is a buzz word at the year of 2009 and it is also the popular kind of product represented by Amazon Kindle. eReader has also led to the development of capacity for real personal consumption growth in ebooks, making e-books market transform from the B2B only market to the B2C market, so as to promote the development of digital publishing in traditional publishing industry. The paper inlxoduces the concept of eReader, technology of e-lnk and history of eReader history, some important releases on eReader market in 2009, and also analyzes the supporting role to promote growth of the eReader and eBook from each other. The paper also comments some eReader applications in the domestic libraries and abroad libraries. By the conclusion that eReader is a bridge leading from the traditional publishing to the digital publishing, a bridge leading from book reading to the digital reading, and also a bridge leading from the paper society to the paperless society, the paper identifies the library community, which would be affected seriously by the paradigm shift, should make more better preparation to meet the challenges of the future.
作者 赵亮
机构地区 上海图书馆
出处 《数字图书馆论坛》 2010年第6期1-19,共19页 Digital Library Forum
关键词 电子书阅读器 电子图书 电子墨水 电子纸 无纸化社会 eReader, eBook, e-Ink, ePaper, Paperless society
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