
社会探险家:美国人口统计制图数字图书馆 被引量:1

Social Explorer: A Cartographic Digital Library
摘要 作为美国国家科学基金(NSF)资助的数字图书馆项目之一,社会探险家是一个涵盖美国1790年至今的人口普查数据、拥有上万张主题地图和数百份报告的交互式制图数字图书馆。文章对该数字图书馆的建设、意义及现状进行了综合性评价,包括项目概述、资源组织、技术特征、服务特征以及作者的评估与建议。 Social Explorer is a premier U.S. demographics digital library providing an Intemet connection access to the American census data fi'om 1790 to present It features over 15,000 interactive data maps and reports, is a collection of interactive demographic maps that can be viewed, queried and manipulated. The article provides an extended review on the construction and status of the digital library, including project overview, resources organization, technological features, user services, as well as comments and suggestion made by authors.
出处 《数字图书馆论坛》 2010年第6期66-70,共5页 Digital Library Forum
关键词 人口统计 人口普查 社会探险家 数字图书馆 美国国家科学基金会(NSF) Demography, Census, Social Explorer, Digital fibrary, National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • 相关文献


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