Essentially, the natural gas system is the hydrocarbon system rich in gas. Talimu Basin is rich
in not only oil but also gas. The goal of dividing natural gas systems is to survey gas
accumulation regions from where the medium and large sized gas fields will be found.
Through the evaluation of the hydrocarbon systems in the basin, two natural gas systems
(Kuche and Yecheng) and some rich in gas regions in the Tazhong, Tabei and Bachu
hydrocarbon systems are divided. In these systems, the Kuche natural gas system in foreland
basin belongs to the whole rich in gas one with overinjection, high impedance and reticulated
migration, being the region with the greatest potentialities in gas resources in the basin; the
rich in gas regions in craton basin are controlled by the gas generation centers in Cambrian
Lower Ordovician; the east rich in gas region in Tazhong hydrocarbon system, in which the
gas reservoirs are of the properties of successive multistage accumulation, multiple source
reservoir cap assemblages and good preservation conditions, is the one with the greatest
potentialities in resources in platformal basin region; the east part of Tabei Uplift and the
Mazatage rich in gas region in Bachu Uplift, where the preservation conditions were not as
good as those in the Tazhong region because of regional caprocks' destruction by faults,
mainly accumulated the late high and post maturity dry gas with a short accumulation period,
belonging to staged gas accumulation regions; and some larger original dry gas reservoirs
might be formed near the gas generation centers in Cambrian Lower Ordovician especially
under the anhydrocks and salt beds in Cambrian.
Natural Gas Industry
Talimu Basin, Natural gas, Gas
reservoir formation, Gas reservoir type, Source reservoir cap assemblage, Rich gas,
Exploration region