目的探讨脉冲振荡响应频率(RD与第一秒用力呼其容积(FEV1)及用力肺活量(forced vital capacity,FVC)的相关性。方法对99例呼吸系统疾病患者进行肺通气功能及响应频率测试。对RF与FEV1占预计值的百分比(FEV1%)及RF与一秒率(FEV1/FVC%)作相关性分析。结果RF与FEV1、FEV1/FVC均有非常显著的相关性,相关系数分别为0.877(P〈0.001)和0.799(P〈0.001);在气道可逆实验中,RF的下降值与FEV1改善率呈直线相关。结论RF是反映通气功能的可靠指标,在气道可逆试验中也可得到应用。
Objective To evaluate the practical value and their correlation among resonance frequency (RF), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC). Methods A series of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and resonance frequency (RF) were performed in 99 patients with respiratory diseases, the results were analyzed between RF and FEV1, RF and FEV1/FVC% ; the airway reversibility was performed in 20 asthmatic patients, and the correlation was analyzed between the lowed RF and increased percentage of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). Results The significant correlation was reflected between RF and FEV1 and FEV1 FVC% with the correlation coefficient of 0.8777 (P〈0.001), and 0.799 (P〈0.001), respectively. In airway reversibility, the lowed RF had very significant correlation with increased percentage of FEV1. Conclusion RF is a reliable parameter reflecting ventilation function, and may be used in airway reversibility evaluation.
China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine