

MRI appearance of spinal cord astrocytomas
摘要 目的:探讨脊髓星形细胞瘤在MRI中的影像表现,提高对该疾病的认识。方法:回顾分析12例经手术和病理证实的脊髓星形细胞瘤的磁共振影像表现。结果:5例病灶位于颈髓内,6例位于胸髓内,1例位于脊髓圆锥内;4例位于脊髓中央,8例位于脊髓周边部位。病灶平均长径为5.3 cm。平扫T1WI检查中4例表现为稍低信号,3例表现为等信号,5例表现为等、低混杂信号;T2WI检查中,10例表现为高信号,2例表现为高低混杂信号。增强扫描病灶实体部分10例出现强化。8例病灶边界显示不清晰,4例显示清晰。6例见囊变。结论:磁共振成像对髓内星形细胞瘤的定位和定性具有重要的价值。 Objective:To study the MR appearance of the spinal cord astrocytomas, and improve the understanding of this disease. Methods:The MR finding of 12 cases of spinal cord astrocytomas which were proved by operation and pathology were reviewed. Results:Five cases were located in cervical spinal cord, 6 cases were located in thoracic spinal cord, 1 case was located in conus medullaris, 8 cases were located eccentrically, 4 cases were located in the centre of spinal cord. The average length of tumors was 5.3cm. On T1 weighted image, 4 cases showed slightly hypo-intense,3 cases showed isointensity, 5 cases showed mixed iso-hypointense; on T2 weighted image, 10 cases showed hyper-intense,2 cases showed mixed hyper-hypointense. After enhancement, 10 cases exhibited enhancement, 8 cases were ill-defined, and 4 cases were well-defined. Cysts were seen in 6 cases. Conclusion: MRI plays an important role in the localization and qualitation to the spinal cord astrocytomas.
出处 《中国中西医结合影像学杂志》 2010年第3期206-208,共3页 Chinese Imaging Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 脊髓 星形细胞瘤 磁共振成像 Spinal cord Astrocytomas MRI
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