
BRCA1、EGFR在乳腺基底细胞样癌中的表达及临床意义 被引量:5

Expression and clinical pathological of BRCA1,EGFR in basal-like breast carcinoma
摘要 目的探讨乳腺癌易感基因(Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene 1,BRCA1)、表皮生长因子受体(Epider-mal Growth Factor Receptor,EGFR)在乳腺基底细胞样癌中的表达及临床意义。方法应用免疫组织化学PV-9000法,检测83例乳腺基底细胞样癌(basal-like breast carcinoma,BLBC)中BRCA1,EGFR的表达。结果 (1)BLBC中BRCA1阳性表达率为57.83%(48/83),BRCA1表达在不同年龄、不同腋窝淋巴结转移情况、不同临床分期,不同组织学分级各组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)BLBC中EGFR阳性表达率为87.95%(73/83),EGFR的表达在不同临床分期、不同淋巴结转移情况各组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)BRCA1和EGFR表达相互之间未发现相关性(P=0.051)。结论 BRCA1和EGFR在BLBC组织内参与癌组织的转移,可作为评估BLBC预后的有用指标。 Objective To study the expression and clinical pathological significance of breast caner susceptibility gene(BRCA1),epidermal gronth factor receptor(EGFR) in basal-like breast carcinoma.Methods PV-9000 immunohisto-chemistry technique was applied to detect the expression of BRCA1,EGFR in 83 basal-like breast carcinoma(BLBC) cases.Results(1) The positive rate of BRCA1 was 57.83%(48/83) in BLBC.The expression of BRCA1was associated with age,metastasis of axillary lymph nodes,clinical stage and histopathological grading(P0.05).(2) The positive rate of EGFR in BLBC was 87.95%(73/83).The expression of EGFR was associated with metastasis of axillary lymph nodes and clinical stage(P0.05).(3)There was no significant correlation between the expression of BRCA1and EGFR(P=0.051).Conclusion BRCA1 and EGFR may play important roles in basal-like breast carcinoma metastasis,which will be considered as valuable biological indexes for assessmenting the prognosis of BLBC.
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2010年第4期397-400,共4页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
关键词 细胞角蛋白5 BRCA1 EGFR 乳腺基底细胞样癌 CK5 breast cancer susceptibility gene(BRCA1) epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) basal-like breast carcinoma(BLBC)
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