
苯酚降解酵母Pd6的分离及对酚类化合物的降解 被引量:2

Isolation of Phenol-degrading Yeast Pd6 and Its Biodegradation of Substitute Phenols
摘要 从炼油厂污染的污水和土壤中,筛选分离出一株具有很高苯酚降解能力的酵母菌Pd6.通过生理生化方法并结合26S rRNA序列比对,将其初步鉴定为麦芽糖假丝酵母(Candida maltosa).该酵母菌能以苯酚为唯一碳源和能源,对苯酚的最大降解浓度为1500mg/L,添加有机碳和有机氮可显著提高其对苯酚的降解率.在外加碳源的条件下,菌株Pd6还具有降解其它9种取代酚的能力.此外,关于苯酚和氯酚共代谢的研究表明,酵母菌Pd6可以利用苯酚为唯一碳源降解对氯酚和间氯酚.表明该菌在苯酚及其衍生物的生物降解和水污染治理方面可起到重要作用. An effective phenol-degrading yeast Pd6 was isolated from sewage and soil of oil refi nery,and it was identified as Candida maltosa based on its phenotypic features and similarity of 26S rRNA gene sequences.The strain was found able to use phenol as sole carbon and energy source,and it could degrade phenol at a high concentration of 1 500 mg/L.Moreover,by adding organic carbon and nitrogen sources it could largely increase its phenol-degrading ability.It could also degrade other nine kinds of substitute phenols,including monochlorophenols,at a relatively high rate,except 2-chlorophenol.Since the monochlorophenols are conventional non-growth substrates,the biodegradation of 3-and 4-chlorophenol was further investigated,which showed that both 3-and 4-chlorophenol could be co-metabolized with phenol as the only carbon source.
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期385-389,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划)项目(Nos. 2007AA061101 2009AA06A417)资助~~
关键词 酵母 苯酚 取代酚 氯酚 生物降解 yeast phenol substitute phenol chlorophenol biodegradation
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