
哑铃形拱肋灌注施工阶段力学分析 被引量:1

Mechanical Analysis of Dumbbell-shaped Arch During Concrete Pumping
摘要 哑铃形钢管混凝土拱桥在钢管拱肋灌注混凝土施工阶段可能出现缀板开裂。针对这一工程问题,结合实际工程项目,应用有限元软件ANSYS建立结构模型,对比分析结构各工况下的应力和变形,选择合理的施工方法和加固措施。而且对结构焊接位置的残余应力对结构受力的影响进行,分析中考虑材料非线性。研究表明,结构的焊接残余应力会大大降低结构的承载能力,在施工中应该考虑其影响。 The dumbbell-shaped concrete filled steel tube arch bridge wound occur crack accident on the joint of steel tube and batten plate during concrete pumping stage.In view of this situation,the spatial finite element models were established.Through contrastive analysis of results under all consitions,the most reasonable construction method was choosed and some effective measure was adopted.Moreover,the effection of weleding residual stress was analysised.The nonliner behavior of steel was taken into account in analysis.It was suggested that weleding residual stress wound largely decrease load capacity of structure.
出处 《建材世界》 2010年第3期71-74,共4页 The World of Building Materials
关键词 钢管混凝土拱桥 灌注 缀板 残余应力 非线性 concrete filled steel tube arch bridge pumping batten plate residual stress nonliner
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