目的 目的 观察现代显微玻璃体手术在治疗眼后段眼内异物及其创伤性视网膜裂孔中的治疗效果.方法 对48例(48只眼)眼内异物.包括磁性异物28例,非磁性异物20例,常规行玻璃体切除手术治疗,内路摘除异物,剥除异物床区玻璃体后皮质,眼内光凝,封闭视网膜裂孔.临床随访评估手术疗效及并发症.结果 48例(48只眼)均摘出异物,视力改善或不变者44例(91.67%),视网膜脱离复位47例(97.92%o结论显微玻璃体手术是治疗斤段眼内异物及其相应开发症的有效方法.
Objective To investigate the application of the vitrectomy and clinical characters for posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies associated traumatic retinal tears. Methods Forty-eight cases with intraocular foreign bodies, including magnetic 28, nonmagnetic 20, underwent routine vitrectomy via the third aisle of plana of ciliary body and treated PVR by intraocular laser or filler, according to patient's conditions. The mean follow-up period was 12 months, and their effects and complications were analyzed. Results The posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies were removed in 48 cases. Postoperative visual acuity was improved or remained unchanged in 44 cases (91.67%), reattachment retina 47 (97.92%).Conclusions Vitrectomy is an effective surgery for treatment of posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies and their complications.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology