Hukou in China is an important social status term which provides with many public social welfare. At present, many areas in China started to adopt residence permit system and promise for those who have such governmental permit and reaching certain conditions can have the local Hukou and equally enjoy the social welfares only providing for the local people with Hukou. In Guangdong, because of the Hukou status, there are not small differences in the social welfares between the floating population and the local people with hukou, though the new residence permit system has great improvement in providing for those floating population. The author thinks the entering mechanism of the residence permit into Hukou is a selective mechanism with the present limited capability of social welfare. The Hukou System reforms in different areas are somewhat a game playing among them. In Guangdong, The threshold and criterion into the hukou status should be set up in terms of Guangdong's urbanization target and the Two transfer (industrial and labor) Strategy as well as the city's type and size, and finally make the residence permit system be a useful mechanism for the public service and administration of Guagndong's urban population.
South China Population
Residence Permit, Hukou, Guangdong, Shanghai