

Regularization Method for Solving Variational Inequalities
摘要 基于正则化思想,分别对于带有Lipschitz连续单调映像以及带有Lipschitz连续伪压缩映像的补算子的变分不等式,建立了隐式计算格式,并且证明了计算格式的强收敛性。本文结果改进了Hong-Kun Xu的相关结果。 Based on regularization ideas, two implicit schemes are proposed for solving variational inequalities governed by Lipschitz monotone mappings and complement operators of Lipschitz pseudo-contractive mappings respectively. Strong convergences of the schemes are proved. Results of this paper improve Hong-Kun Xu's relevant results.
出处 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2010年第3期60-64,共5页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
基金 天津市自然科学基金项目(06YFJMJC12500)
关键词 变分不等式 强单调 LIPSCHITZ连续 伪压缩映像 HILBERT空间 variational inequality strongly monotone Lipschitzian continuity pseudo-contractions Hilbert space
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