Cellularization of endosperm at early development stage in Coix lacryma jobi L.was investigated using transmission electron microscopy.At the free nuclear endosperm stage,the nuclei are located in a thin layer of cytoplasm at the periphery of the large central vacuole.There are no wall ingrowths around the embryo sac,no phragmoplast between any two adjacent free nuclei.The processes of cellularization of free nuclear endosperm are as follows:(1) Vacuoles appear in endosperm cytoplasm,and nuclei and cytoplasm extend inward towards the large central vacuole.(2) A pair of vacuoles,between which the cytoplasm appears to be very narrow,often exist between the adjacent nuclei.(3) Aligned vesicles appear in the narrow cytoplasm.(4) A cell plate is formed by the fusion of the vesicles,and suspends between the two vacuoles.(5) The cell plate alongates towards the two ends:one end fuses with embryo sac wall while the other end extends progressively and anticlinally in the cytoplasm growing towards the central vacuole.Therefore,the position and formation of the incipient anticlinal wall maybe have nothing to do with a phragmoplast,but something to do with vacuoles between the adjacent free nuclei.The substance forming the initial anticlinal wall maybe originate from dictyosome derived vesicles,and also maybe from the vacuoles.There may exist three patterns for the vacuoles to participate in the formation of anticlinal wall.Firstly the vacuoles intrude directly into the cytoplasm between two vacuoles and form vesicles,which are in alignment,secondly,many vesicles appear in the vacuoles and are transferred to fuse with the anticlinal wall.Thirdly,multivesicular bodies appear in the vacuole,and the vesicles enter the cytoplasm and fuse with newly formed cell walls.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
Coix lacryma jobi L.,cellularization of endosperm,initial anticlinal wall,ultrastructure