

Research on Video Inspecting System based on OSD Chip in Laser Ranging
摘要 基于OSD字符叠加芯片μPD6450,设计了激光测距数字信息与视频模拟信号的叠加系统,实现了对目标体的实时监控功能。系统硬件设置包括:视频输入、输出、行场同步分离、字符叠加以及串行通信模块;软件设计包括:对微处理器MCU串行口初始化、设置接收数据的传输格式与速率、MCU接收到数据信息后开系统中断、对μPD6450初始化、测距数据与视频信号的叠加。该系统具有模块体积小、功耗低、实时性强、高传输率等特点,对于多种视频实时监控具有广阔的应用前景。 In this paper,we designed an adder system of adding laser range data to the video signal using the on-screen display chip μPD6450,and the system could inspect the target efficiently.The hardware system comprises the video input and output module,the separation of vertical synchronization signal and horizontal synchronization signal module,the character adding and the serial communication module.The software system consists of the initialization of MCU'serial port,setting the format and speed of transmission for received data,running the MCU'program interruption after receiving data,initialization of μPD6450,and adding the laser range data to the video signal.The adder system has the features with small cubage,low energy use,good real-time performance and high transmission speed,and has very great further in the real-time video inspecting field.
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期7-9,共3页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60771045)
关键词 μPD6450 视频字符叠加 激光测距 μPD6450 video character superimposition laser ranging
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