
两种肝损伤模型的建立及其切片观察 被引量:5

Establishment of Two Models of Liver Injury and Observation of Liver Sections
摘要 为筛选抗乙型肝炎病毒中药复方,通过肝切片方法来探索D-半乳糖胺(D-GalN)和刀豆蛋白(ConA)对小鼠肝脏的影响,提示腹腔注射D-半乳糖胺(1.8 g/kg)1 mL和尾静脉注射ConA(8 mg/mL)0.5mL与乙型肝炎病毒对肝脏的损伤程度类似,该两种药物可制作经济、有效的肝损伤模型。 In order to screen compound Chinese medicines against hepatitis virus B,the effects of D-GalN and ConA on the liver of mice were studies by observation of hepatic sections.The results showed that D-Ga1N(0.8 g/kg) 0.5 mL administrated peritoneally and ConA(3 mg/mL) 0.1 mL administrated through caudal vein achieved the same liver injury as hepatitis virus B.D-Ga1N and ConA can be used for the preparation of liver injury model.
作者 张明
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期121-123,共3页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 山东省教育厅基金资助项目(J07WJ53)
关键词 D-半乳糖胺 刀豆蛋白 肝损伤 D-GalN ConA liver injury
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