

Realization of Queue Scheduling Based on Delay
摘要 PQBEDF算法是一种将优先级和时延相结合的动态优先级调度算法,具有快速高效的特点。对PQBEDF算法进行了研究,对其实现过程进行了改进,并给出了具体实现方法,同时对队列长度和优先级之间的关系作了分析。改进后的算法简化了操作,避免了PQBEDF算法中优先级可能相同的不合理现象,提高了算法的鲁棒性。另外,改进后的算法在公平性上也有所提高,不仅满足高优先级业务对带宽和时延的要求,对低优先级业务也有一定的保障,为各业务提供既有一定保证又有所区别的服务,具有一定的公平性和合理性。 PQBEDF(priority queue based on EDF) algorithm is a dynamic priority scheduling algorithm combined priority with time delay, and it is fast and efficient. PQBEDF algorithm is discussed, a new way of implementation process is improved, the relation between queue length and priority is analyzed. The improved algorithm simplifies the operation and avoids the phenomenon of priorities being identical in PQBEDF algorithm sometimes, the robustness of the algorithm is improved. Besides, the improved algorithm can guarantee the bandwidth and latency requirements not only for high-priority business but also for low-priority business to certain extent. It guarantees the quality of service for various different businesses, and is fair and reasonable.
作者 蒋维成
出处 《现代电子技术》 2010年第13期73-75,共3页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 成都理工大学工程技术学院科研发展基金资助项目(C122010003)资助
关键词 PQBEDF算法 时延 队列 调度 PQBEDF algorithm time delay queue scheduling
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