
一阶时滞系统的鲁棒α-稳定性区域分析 被引量:3

摘要 主要研究了滞后型一阶时滞系统的鲁棒α-稳定性,即参数在一定区间上任意取值,都能确保系统的平衡点的α-稳定性.给出了两种分析方法,其中一种基于Hayes第二定理,另一种基于LambertW函数.两种方法给出的结果是一致的.最后,几个实例说明了文中方法的有效性. The robust α-stability of first order retarded time-delay system was studied,in which the time-delay system is α-stability for all coefficients selected arbitrarily in the interval.Two ways were given for the α-stability analysis,one was based on Hayes Theorem,and the other was based on the Lambert W function.We have the same results by using these two ways respectively.Finally,some examples show that the methods work effectively.
作者 狄成宽
出处 《动力学与控制学报》 2010年第2期132-136,共5页 Journal of Dynamics and Control
关键词 时滞 α-稳定性 鲁棒稳定性 稳定性区域 LambertW函数 time-delay α-stability robust stability stable region lambert W function
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