
面孔吸引力加工的功能磁共振成像 被引量:7

Functional MRI of the perception of facial attractiveness
摘要 西方面孔吸引力研究发现,眶额皮层(OFC)的激活.面孔吸引力判断受个体爱情经历影响,但已有的研究没有根据被试的爱情经历分组,探讨有无爱情经历对吸引力判断的影响.本研究选择18名无异性朋友大学生和8名有异性朋友大学生2组被试,对面孔图片进行性别判断.运用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)采集图像,按照吸引力分类处理,进行主效应、交互作用、简单效应及组间的详细统计分析.探讨面孔吸引力的加工脑区及不同爱情经历者是否都激活OFC脑区.结果显示,无异性朋友组面孔吸引力主效应激活前扣带回皮质、梭状回、额中回和额下回区域,但并没有OFC的激活;有异性朋友组高吸引力面孔和低吸引力面孔都激活右侧OFC上部.男女图片均激活右侧前扣带回,女性比男性图片额外激活右侧OFC上部.结果表明,前扣带回皮层对面孔美与不美的感知起关键作用;OFC的激活不受面孔吸引力性质影响,高与低吸引力都能激活OFC;右侧OFC上部与爱情经历有关. Most of the western facial attractiveness studies found the activation of orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in the facial attractiveness judgments.Subjects’ love-affair experiences modulate facial attractiveness judgments;however,the subjects in the existing studies had not been grouped based on their love-affair experiences to explore the effect of love experience or no love experience on the attractiveness judgments.In this study,18 college students who had no love-affair experiences and 8 students who had were chosen.Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) was used to examine the brain activations of facial attractiveness during the gender judgment.The main effects,interaction effects,simple main effects,between-subjects tests were carried out in detail to investigate brain regions that respond to facial attractiveness and whether OFC was active in the love-affair experiences and non-love-affair experiences groups.The results indicated that the main effect of attractiveness revealed significant effects in anterior cingulate cortex,fusiform gyrus,middle frontal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus,but the activation of OFC was not found in the non-love-affair experiences group.In the love-affair experiences group,the activation of OFC was found in the high and low attractive faces conditions.Both male and female faces activated right anterior cingulate cortex;and the female faces had a more extended activation in superior right OFC by the contrast of the male faces.It was suggested that the perception of facial attractiveness was mainly modulated by anterior cingulate cortex.The activation of OFC was not affected by the facial attractiveness,because both high and low attractive faces could activate it.It was modulated by the love-affair experiences.
出处 《中国科学:生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期551-560,共10页 Scientia Sinica(Vitae)
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划(批准号:09GJ-02) 广州市教育科学规划(批准号:07B290)项目资助
关键词 高面孔吸引力 低面孔吸引力 功能磁共振成像 high attractive faces low attractive faces fMRI
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