目的探讨正位胸片肺尖及侧位胸片气管中的假结节影的成因及意义。方法随机抽取100例健康成人的正侧位胸片,正位片发现假结节者加照前弓位,侧位片发现假结节者加照斜位,所有发现假结节者均行CT扫描,并经透视观察,结合国外文献,对其X线表现进行回顾性分析。结果 100例胸片中,正位有16例显示假结节,前弓位消失,侧位正常;侧位3例显示假结节,斜位消失,正位正常;1例正位片显示左锁骨下动脉走行;所有阳性发现者(有假结节者)的CT扫描及透视观察均未发现病变。结论正侧位胸片上的假结节均是由主动脉弓分支所致。
Objective To investigate the reason of the pseudnnodule in aper of lung on posteroanterior chest radiographs and in trachea on lateral radiographs of the chest. Methods Randomly collect 100 healthy aduhs'posteroanterior position and lateral position radiograph of the chest. The persons, who had pulmonary nodule simulated on the posteroanterior chest radiographs, were evaluated with lordotic position radiographs; the persons, who had pulmonary nodule simulated on the lateral chest radiographs, were evaluated with oblique position radiographs; the all persons, who had pseudonodules on the chest radiographs, were evaluated with fluoroscopy and Ctscans. Their imaging findings were retrospectively analyzed. Results 16 persons have pseudonodules on their posteroanterior chest radiographs, hut the pseudonodules can't be found on their lateral and lordotic radiographs. There were 3 persons whose pseudonodules could anly be found on lateral chest radiographs, but not on the radiographs of posteroanterior or oblique position. One person's left subclavian artery displays on his posteroanterior chest radiograph. The result of all 20 Person Ctscans and fluoroscopy is normal. Conclusion Pseudonodule is produced by branches of the aortic arch .
Medical Innovation of China
Chest radiograph
Branches of the aortic arch