
基于Minix的进程间通信系统的设计与实现 被引量:1

Design and Implementation of Inter-Process Communication on Minix
摘要 进程间通信作为操作系统中最重要的原语之一,提供了在多个隔离的进程之间相互通信交流的可能性.提出了一种适用于微内核操作系统的进程间通信系统,并在具体的Minix操作系统平台之上予以实现,解决了Minix系统中由于进程间通信模块的缺失而导致开发人员无法顺利移植其他平台的实用程序的问题。实验数据表明,该进程间通信系统具有高效的特点;同时由于该系统的设计原则,它保持着易扩展的特点。该系统的实现虽然是基于Minix平台,但该设计同样适用于其他微内核的系统,对其他操作系统具有借鉴意义。 Inter-process communication (IPC), as one of the most important primitives in the operating system, provides the possibility of exchanging data with several different processes. This paper proposes a new design of the inter-process communication system. And this system is implemented on Minix operating system which lacks the support of IPC before. With the implementation, it eases the developers' porting and developing useful programs based on this feature. R is extensible and efficient as seen from the experiment. The design of this interoproeess communication system can be studied for other operating system.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2010年第7期1-5,14,共6页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 进程间通信 共享内存 信号量 同步 虚拟内存 操作系统 MINIX 微内核 inter-process communication shared memory semaphore synchronization virtual memory operating system Minix micro-kernel
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