应用Boson Netsim仿真软件,提出交换机上基于VLAN划分生成树的虚拟通信方案。介绍了生成树协议STP的工作原理和技术要点,设计了模拟拓扑结构图,分析了VLAN和STP的配置命令。使用虚拟主机对通信网络进行了仿真测试,结果表明STP的配置是有效的。
Based on the simulation software Boson NetSim,the virtual communication scheme of spanning tree on different VLANs of switches is put forward.The elementary theory and core technology of the STP(Spanning Tree Protocol) is introduced,and the virtual topology graph is designed.The configuration commands of VLAN and STP are analyzed.The simulation on virtual network is tested by applying virtual PCs,and it shows that the configuration commands of STP are effective.
Computer & Digital Engineering