
基于领域本体的答疑网格系统 被引量:2

Answering Grid System Based on Domain Ontology
摘要 目前我国答疑系统隶属于某个教育平台各自开发,导致资源重复建设;各个系统之间也不能有效互操作导致系统间资源无法共享和统一协调管理.本文从资源共享和易于建设的角度出发,提出基于领域本体的答疑网格系统,文中给出系统的体系结构,详细阐述答疑流程,探讨了关键技术及算法,并分析系统特点及优势. Fousing on the current domestic situations that the exclusive development of each answering system leads to the duplicate building of resource,and that the lowly effective mutual operation between heterogeneous systems brings on poorly resources sharing and disunifited management,this paper,from the starting point of resource sharing and being easy to construct,puts forward an answering grid system based on domain ontology.It advances the system architecture,elaborates the question answer flow,probes into the key implement technology and algorithms,and analyzes the advantages of the system.
出处 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第1期48-51,共4页 Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology
关键词 网格 领域本体 答疑网格系统 资源请求本体 资源节点匹配 grid domain ontology answer grid system require of resource ontology macthing of resource node
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