目的:探讨肺水肿患者的胸部影像学表现特点,为临床提供诊断和治疗依据。方法:回顾性分析临床确诊的肺水肿43例患者的临床影像资料。43例中仅有胸部正位片20例,仅有CT片12例,既有平片又有CT片的11例。结果:心源性肺水肿24例;非心源性肺水肿19例,其中肾源性8例,高血压合并肺水肿3例,外伤后肺水肿2例,破宫产术后并发肺水肿2例,重症肺炎合并肺水肿2例,艾滋病并发ARS 1例,神经源性水肿1例。结论:典型病例肺部X线表现诊断价值较大,结合病史即可诊断。在与其它肺弥漫性病变鉴别中CT检查起重要作用,它不仅能发现合并感染,也可更好显示心包积液及胸腔积液。
Objective To investigate the pulmonary edema in patients with chest imaging features for clinical basis for diagnosis and treatment.Materials and Methods A retrospective analysis was clinically confirmed 43 cases of pulmonary edema in patients with clinical and imaging data.Only 43 cases of anteroposterior chest films in 20 cases.only a piece CT12 cases,both plain films have CT films in 11 cases.Results 24 cases of cardiogenic pulmonary edema;non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema in 19 cases,of which 8 cases of kidney-derived,high blood pressure in 3 cases of post-traumatic in 2 cases,breaking Palace production after 2 cases,2 cases of severe pneumonia,AIDS,a cases of neurogenic edema in 1 case.Conclusion A typical chest X-ray diagnosis of cases the value of large,combined with the history can be diagnosed.In diffuse lung diseases and other identification plays an important role in the CT examination,it is not only able to detect infection,can also better show pericardial effusion,and pleural effusion.
Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
Pulmonary Edema
Diagnosis Of Ground-Glass
X-Ray Computed