
S100A8/A9在炎症和肿瘤中的分子机制研究进展 被引量:4

The Molecular Mechanisms of S100A8 /A9 in Inflammation and Cancer
摘要 近来的研究进展表明,在炎症的急性期中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞等炎性细胞能稳定地分泌S100A8/A9,而S100A8/A9又能招募和激活更多的炎性细胞,从而形成炎症中的正反馈效应。在多种肿瘤细胞培养中,人为地加入S100A8/A9,发现其具有促凋亡作用,且其促凋亡作用具有锌离子依赖性,并能被抗氧化剂所逆转。 Recent researches show that in acute inflammation,neutrophils, macrophages and other inflammatory cells can secrete S100A8 /A9 to recruit and activate more inflammatory cells,creating positive feedback. In a variety of tumor cell cultures,the artificial addition of S100A8 /A9,induces apoptosis in zincdependent manner,which can be reversed by antioxidants.
出处 《医学综述》 2010年第13期1947-1950,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 S100A8/A9 钙卫蛋白 花生四烯酸 炎症 凋亡 S100A8 /A9 Calprotectin Arachidonic acid Inflammation Apoptosis
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