
Keggin型PW_(11)O_(39)Mn(II)(H_2O)^(5+)的合成、表征及电化学性质 被引量:2

Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties of Keggin-type Mn-substituted Heteropolyanion PW_(11)O_(39)Mn(II)(H_2O)^(5+)
摘要 在中性水溶液中合成了Keggin型锰取代磷钨杂多阴离子PW11O39Mn(II)(H2O)5-,并进行了IR、UV-vis和循环伏安表征.实验结果表明,PW11O39Mn(II)(H2O)5-在700~1100cm-1的指纹区内有5个特征振动吸收峰,分别对应于P-Oa、W=Od、W-Ob-W和W-Oc-W的反对称伸缩振动吸收,其中P-Oa的振动吸收分裂成2个峰.在200nm和252nm处有两个很强的紫外吸收;在400~700nm的可见光区有一个连续的吸收带.在循环伏安图中除了2对W-O骨架波之外,还有两对Mn的氧化-还原波,其电化学性质与溶液的pH有关. Keggin-type Mn (II)-substituted heteropolyanion PW11O39Mn (II)(H2O)^5-was synthesized in neutral aqueous solution and characterized by IR, UV-vis and cyclic voltammetry. Experimental results showed that in the 700-1100 cm-1 fingerprint area PW11O39Mn (II)(H2O)^5-exhibits five characteristic absorption peaks, corresponding to the anti-symmetric stretching vibration of P-Oa,W = Od,W-Ob-W and W-Oc-W, respectively, in which the vibration absorption of P-Oa splits into two peaks. PW11O39Mn (II)(H2O)^5-has two strong UV absorptions at near 200 nm and 252 nm and a continuous visible absorption band in the district of 400~700 nm. In addition to two pairs of W-O skeleton-waves, two pairs of Mn redox waves appear in the cyclic voltammograms. The electrochemical properties of the two pairs of Mnwaves are related to the solution pH.
出处 《海南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第2期176-180,共5页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家大学生创新项目(091165820)
关键词 锰取代磷钨杂多阴离子 红外光谱 紫外可见光谱 循环伏安 Mn(II)-substituted heteropolyanion IR UV-vis cyclic voltammetry
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