
LTE系统中的软解调研究 被引量:3

Research of soft-metric demodulating algorithms in LTE system
摘要 LTE具有频谱利用率高、信道容量提升、支持频谱灵活性、用户面延迟小于10ms等等优点。它采用turbo、RM等编码技术,为了提高系统性能,在接收端的译码采用软信息输入,所以在解调时需要用软解调而不是传统的硬解调。本文主要介绍了log-map算法和max-log-map算法,并将两种算法分别应用于LTE系统中的4种调制方式。本文对4种调制方式分别进行了MATLAB仿真,通过实现难易度和性能的对比,选择出一种能让DSP处理更加简便,并且能够保持最佳性能的算法。 LTE system has a high spectral effciency, channel capacity, support for spectrum flexibility, user plane latency less than 10ms and so on. LTE system uses the turbo, RNI and other codes.soft information is used at the receiving end to improve system performance,so soft demodulation is used rather than the traditional hard demodulation.The commonly used soft-metric Demodulating-algorithmslog-map and its approximation max-log-map,which applied to four kinds of modulation in LTE system are described in this paper.Through matlab simulations for four kinds of modulation and the comparison of the degree of difficulty and performance,the paper choose an algorithm which could get dsp processing easier and maintain optimal performance.
作者 张红霜
出处 《电子测试》 2010年第6期6-9,14,共5页 Electronic Test
基金 国家科技重大专项"新一代宽带无线移动通信网"中的<TD-LTE无线综合测试仪表开发>项目No.2009ZX3002-009
关键词 LTE LOG-MAP MAX-LOG-MAP 软解调 log-map max-log-map soft-metric
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