
栖霞山石窟南朝佛衣类型 被引量:5

On the Types of Southern Dynasties Period Buddhist Dress Seen in Qixia Mountain Grottoes
摘要 栖霞山石窟南朝洞窟约始凿于5世纪末期。南齐时期流行露胸通肩式佛衣,出现上衣搭肘式佛衣;齐梁之际延续露胸通肩式佛衣,出现通肩式和中衣搭肘式佛衣;萧梁时期以中衣搭肘式佛衣为主。栖霞山露胸通肩式和通肩式佛衣可能与东吴至西晋时期长江中下游地区随葬品上贴饰的佛像服饰有关,上衣搭肘式佛衣的源头可寻向前后秦时期的长安地区。大约自北魏迁都洛阳至北朝灭亡这段较长时期中,栖霞山南朝佛衣类型流行于北朝域内,其中,露胸通肩式佛衣主要流行于青徐地区,中衣搭肘式、上衣搭肘式、通肩式佛衣主要流行于晋冀地区,露胸通肩式和通肩式佛衣主要流行于甘宁地区。 The Qixiashan Caves in South Dynasty was firstly cut at end of the 5th century. In the period of Southern Qi the Buddha dress, with a type of which reveals chest but covers both shoulders [ type I ], was popular. A type of the dress whose the third piece rests upon the left elbow [ type III] was also available. Between Qi and Liang Dynasty the type I continued to use while the two types of Buddha dress coveting mode [type II] and the second piece rests upon the right elbow [type IV] can be seen. During Liang Dy- nasty the type IV was a major one. The type I and FI in Qixiashan Caves may have a relationship with the decoration of Buddha dress pasted on burial utensils of East Wu and West Jin Dynasty, which had been excavated from the areas of the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River. The origin of type III was traced back to the area of Chang' an City in the Former and Later Qin Dynasty. Per- haps in the long period when North Wei capital was moved to Luoyang and North Dynasty was destroyed, the types of Buddha dress in Qixiashan Caves was popular in the territory of North Dynasty. Of which type I spread in Qingzhou and Xuzhou area, Type IV, III and II was popular in Shanxi and Hebei, Type I and III was mainly seen in Gansu and Ningxia.
作者 陈悦新
出处 《华夏考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期82-91,共10页 Huaxia Archaeology
基金 国家文物局文化遗产保护科学和技术研究课题<五至八世纪汉地佛像服饰研究>(编号2009028-15/08)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 栖霞山石窟 南朝 佛衣类型 Qixiashan Caves South Dynasty types of buddha dress
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