
胃癌术前超声内镜评估TNM分期的临床研究 被引量:6

Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis and preoperative staging of gastric carcinoma
摘要 为了评估超声内镜在胃癌术前分期评估中的作用,83例胃癌患者均于术前行超声内镜检查,并将其内镜分期结果与术后病理学检查分期结果比较。超声内镜分期结果与病理学分期结果比较显示,各期准确率分别为T1期88.9%(8/9),T2期91.2%(21/23),T3期81.5%(31/38),T4期92.3%(12/13);淋巴结转移准确率为78.9%。超声内镜检查可有效进行术前分期,有助于制订合理的治疗方案。 The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis and pre operative staging of gastric carcinoma.Eighty-three patients were performed with endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonog raphy.And the staging results of endoscopic ultrasonography were compared to that of postoperative pathological assessment.Compared with the pathological staging,the endoscopic ultrasonography staging accuracy was 88.9% (T1,8/9),91.2% (T2,21/23),81.5% (T3,31/38)and 92.3%(T4,12/13)respectively.And lymphnode metastasis accuracy was 78.9%.In conclusion,endoscopic ultrasonography is effective in diagnosing and preoperative staging of gastric carcinoma.
出处 《中华肿瘤防治杂志》 CAS 2010年第7期545-546,共2页 Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
关键词 胃肿瘤 超声内镜 肿瘤分期 gastric neoplasms endoscopic ultrasonography neoplasms staging
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