1GA Res. 1803, UN GAOR, 17th Sess., Supp. No. 17, UN Doc. A/5217 1962. p.15.
2A.MouRI. The International Law of Expropriation as Reflected in the Work of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal 1994 p.65.
3I.Brownlie. Principles of Public International Law 2003. p.508-509.
4Kuwait v. American Indep. Oil Co. (Aminoil). 21 LL.M. 976, para. Lxv. 1982. p. 997.
5Terms such as 'de facto' expropriation, or measures 'tantamount' to expropriation are also used. On this point, Dolzer notes that, 'creeping expropriation' suggests a deliberate strategy on the part the state, which may imply a negative moral judgement. See Dolzer. Indirect Expropriation of Alien Property. ICSID Review, Foreign Investment Law Journal, 1986. p. 44.
6Justin R. Marlles. Public Purpose, Private Losses: Regulatory Expropriation and Environmental Regulation in International Investment Law, 16 J. Transnat'l L. & PoFy 2007, p. 275.
7Steven R. Ratner, Regulatory Takings in Instututional Context: Beyond the Fear of Fragmented International Law, 102 American Journal of International Law 2008. p. 476.
8Dolzer, Indirect Expropriations: New Developments? Article of the Colloquium on Regulator Expropriation organised by the New York University on 25-27 April 2002; 11 Environmental Law Journal. p. 64.
9N. Horn and S. Kroll, Indirect Expropriation in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes: Procedural and Substantive Legal Aspects (eds) 2004. p. 145.
10Such as the former United States Model BIT, Article 1110 of NAFTA.