
铬作业工人248名鼻部职业疾患现状调查 被引量:2

Investigation on Current Situation of Nasal Occupational Diseases among 248 Workers Exposed to Chromium
摘要 目的掌握乡镇工业电镀行业铬作业人员鼻部损害的职业病危害现状,为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法调查27家电镀行业基本情况,对作业场所空气中铬浓度进行采样和检测。对铬作业工人的鼻部进行检查。结果镀铬岗位85.61%有槽边吸风装置,但使用率不高。F-53泡沫吸附剂用量不足,机械自动化镀铬线占36.0%,作业场所空气中铬浓度超标12.93%,最高为0.56mg/m3,超标10倍。对248名工人鼻部进行检查,鼻中隔黏膜糜烂6例,鼻中隔软骨部穿孔6例,检出率4.84%。结论乡镇电镀行业铬作业职业病危害较严重,已直接损害工人健康,应引起地方政府部门的高度关注,并积极采取综合整治措施,建立长效管理机制,控制铬职业病危害的发生。 [Objective]To understand the occupational hazards status of nasal damage among workers exposed to chromium in township electroplating industry,provide the scientific basis for making intervention measures.[Methods]The basic situation of 27 electroplating industries was investigated,the concentration of chromium in the air of workplace was sampled and detected,and nasal damage of workers exposed to chromium was tested.[Results]85.61% of chromium plating posts was equipped with ventilation devices on the groove side,but the use rate was low.The dosage of F-53 foam adsorbent was insufficient.The mechanical automation lines of chromium plating accounted for 36.0%.The concentration of chromium in the air of workplace exceeded the limit value for 12.93%,the maximum was 0.56 mg/m^3,which was 10 times as high as the limit value.Among 248 workers who accepted the nasal examination,there were 6 cases of nasal septum mucosa erosion and 6 cases of perforation in nasal septum cartilage,the detection rate was 4.84%.[Conclusion]The occupational hazards of chromium operation in township electroplating industry were serious,which have been directly cause damage to health of workers.The local government departments should pay high attention to this situation,actively take the comprehensive control measures,and establish the long-term management mechanism,so as to control the chromium occupational hazards.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2010年第14期1572-1573,共2页 Occupation and Health
关键词 铬作业 鼻部损害 现状 Chromium operation Nasal damage Current situation
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