
道路交通标志检测方法研究 被引量:9

Study on the method of road traffic sign detection
摘要 针对中国道路交通标志特征,提出一种基于颜色搜索定位和形状判别的交通标志检测方法:首先在HSB颜色空间设定阈值分割色彩区域,对分割后的图像进行色块搜索初步定位出感兴趣区域,色块搜索缩小搜索范围,提高检测效率;然后,根据交通标志图形边框具有像素颜色一致的特征,提出构造图形边缘函数的方法对定位出的感兴趣色彩区域进行交通标志形状判别检测.实验结果表明,该方法能有效定位交通标志. For the morphological feature of China road traffic signs,we propose a traffic sign detection method based on color segmentation and shape analysis:First set thresholding in HSB color space in order to segment color region,using color block search positions the regions of interest.Color block search narrows search scope and improves detection efficiency.Since the pixels color of traffic signs' graphic border are the same the method of constructing the edge function is proposed to judge the geometry shape of region of interest.The experimental results show that the method can effectively locate traffic signs.
出处 《福州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期387-392,共6页 Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 福州大学国家大学生创新性实验计划资助项目(081038610) 福建省自然科学基金项目资助(2009JOR48)
关键词 道路 交通标志 检测 颜色 色块搜索 边缘函数 形状 road traffic sign detection color color block search edge function shape
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