
科技治理:社会正义与公众参与 被引量:5

Administration of Sci-technology:Focused on Social Justice and Public Participation
摘要 科技与社会之间的明显张力,使当代科技治理面临着一个重要的社会正义难题:如何推动科技发展实现正价值最大化和负价值最小化?围绕这一问题,构成目前科技治理的诸多政治哲学理念之间显然存在的某种分隔。如果说自由主义和功利主义主要解决的是科技正价值最大化问题的话,那么契约主义和社群主义作为补充,主要解决的是科技负价值最小化问题。按照这一理路,科技正价值最大化问题只能通过科技共同体的内部正义要求来解决,负价值最小化问题只能通过外部正义要求来解决。但问题在于这种分治方法有时并不十分清晰,尤其当一个新技术项目开发从其对生命和环境的意义来理解时,它就不仅是一个涉及未来的社会问题,而且在目前直接是实验室工作人员的事情。因此可以认为科技共同体的外部正义要求除在科技价值链下游通过政府力量来满足外,也常常在科技价值链上游借助其外部正义要求的内部化策略来加以满足。科技共同体的外部正义要求内部化策略与传统技术精英治国论的不同在于,它并不排斥公众参与。在当今民主秩序下,这种内部化策略与公众参与将共同构成以人类自由和幸福为社会正义标准的增强型科技治理模式。 The tensions between social culture and sci-technology have created a knotty puzzle to social justice in front of contemporary governance:how to advance sci-technology maximized positive value and minimized negative one? To solve the puzzle,the governance ideas of political philosophy are divided into two parts.Liberalism and utilitarianism tend to maximize positive values of sci-technology,while contract school and corporatism tend to minimize its negative values.It means that the internal justice claim for sci-technology community is put forward to maximize positive values,while the external justice claim to minimize negative values.When one technological program is understood in the light of its impacts on human being and natural environment,it does not only leave social problems for the future,but also causes a challengeable issue directed to laboratory personnel.Therefore,it is suggested that the external justice claim is satisfied with its internalized strategy within sci-technology community.What the strategy differs from conventional technocracy does not exclude public participation,but human freedom happiness is an enhanced governance model of sci-technology for the both.
作者 刘军 李三虎
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期21-26,共6页 Academic Research
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