
蒸发波导条件下海上搜索雷达频段选择研究 被引量:2

A Study on the Choice of Frequency Band for Searching Radar over Sea in Condition of Evaporation Duct
摘要 针对蒸发波导条件下海上搜索雷达频段的选择问题,介绍了电磁波传播损耗计算方法,计算并比较多个频率雷达波在各种蒸发波导条件下的传播损耗,并结合历史气象水文数据所对应的蒸发波导特征量分布规律,得出如下结论:当蒸发波导高度不超过10 m时,Ku波段传播损耗最小;当蒸发波导高度在10 m^14 m范围内时,X波段传播损耗最小;当蒸发波导高度在18 m^22 m范围时,C波段传播损耗最小。该结论对于海上搜索雷达的设计和使用具有一定的参考价值。 For the choice of frequency band of searching radar over sea in condition of evaporation duct, the method of calculation of electromagnetic propagation loss is presented. Then the propagation loss with the different frequency bands in different evaporation duct conditions is calculated. Finally according to the distribution of characteristics value of evaporation duct based on the history hydrology records of some sea areas, the conclusion is outlined as followed: as evaporation height is not more than 10 m, the propagation loss of Ku band is least, as evaporation duct height is between 10 m and 14 m, the propagation loss of X band is least, as evaporation duct height is between 18 m and 22 m, the propagation loss of C band is least. The conclusion is a reference to the design and operation for searching radar over sea.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期27-30,共4页 Modern Radar
关键词 蒸发波导 传播损耗 频段 evaporation duct propagation loss frequency band
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