Objective To evaluate the compentence of homocysteine measurement in Homocysteine by use of establishment of national external quality assessment(EQA) in Homocysteine. Methods National external quality assessment scheme in measurement of Homoeysteine was established in Homocysteine laboratory, according to China National Standard GB/ T20470-2006 the requirements for external quality assessment in clinical laboratory. Five spots would be distributed by EQA organizer to participating laboratory each time. and one times each year. After performing the requested tests ,laboratories returned their results to the EQA organizer,and a statistical analysis was performed to determine global and methodspecific means and standard deviations of results for each analyte as well as performance assessment of individual laboratories. Results 41 laboratories participated the EQA scheme in Homocysteine in 2008 and 70 laboratories participated the EQA scheme in Homocysteine in 2009. The method of Homocystelne in 2008:enzymatic cycling assay (51.22%),CVI was 17. 47% ;fluorescence polarization immunoassay(FPIA) (29.27%) ,CVinter was 22. 02% ;euzymelinked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)(4.88 %),CVinter was 13. 99%;other methods of group (14. 63%),CVinter was 15.16%. The method of Homocysteine in 2009:enzymatic cycling assay (54.05%),average of interlaboratory coefficient of variation CVinter was 19.78% ;fluorescence polarization immunoassay(FPIA) (22. 97%),CVI was 15. 90%;euzymelinked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) (2.70%) ,CVinter was 21.46% ;other methods of group (20. 28%) ,CVinter was 24.50%. Conclusion The recommended external quality assessment is useful to find out the problems in homocysteine measurement and improve the quality of Homocysteine.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
external quality assessment
coefficient of variation