At the end of 10th century, Vladimir, the prince of Kievan Rus, suppressed the revolt in Anatolia at the request of Basil II, the Byzantine emperor ; at the same time he dispatched troops to take over Kherson, the Byzantine town of military importance that is on the north coast of the Black Sea. After Basil II had exterminated the rebellion, Vladimir' s attempt was in vain that tried to impede Byzantium by using Rus' reinforcement, to enlarge the orbit of Rus on the north coast of the Black See, and to look on and have more gains. Vladimir who stood at a nonplus had no alternative but to threaten the Byzantine Emperor by attacking Constantinople, and forced to marry Princess Anna. The Prince of Kiev accepted Christian Baptism at the strong request of the Byzantine Emperor, and soon withdraw from Kherson and back to Kiev to celebrate "the Baptism of Kievan Rus"
Collected Papers of History Studies