
具有小世界特性的复杂液压系统故障源搜索方法 被引量:5

Fault Source Identification of Complex Hydraulic System with Small World Property
摘要 针对复杂液压系统故障多样、成因复杂、隐蔽性强,故障源辨识困难,提出了一种基于小世界特性的先网络社团结构划分、后社团内的复杂液压系统故障源搜索的层次分析方法.构建了复杂液压系统的网络拓扑结构,以同时具有大的介数和度数的节点作为网络中故障传播社团的中心,来改进Wu-Huberman算法,从而实现了社团结构的划分.根据各社团连接边对应管路的液压参数变化,确定包含故障源的社团,进一步计算该社团故障传播的可达矩阵,定位了故障源节点.经过对轧钢加热炉液压系统起升故障的分析和故障源查找,证实了该方法可以根据系统网络的结构特征和间接故障表现,实现复杂液压系统故障源的识别. The fault source of the complex hydraulic system is difficult to identify due to the multiplicity,complex creating and strong concealment. A hierarchical analysis method of identifying the fault source based on the small world network is presented,where the system network is divided into multiple-community construction and then the fault source is searched in a specified community. A network topological structure of complex hydraulic system is constructed and its community center nodes are obtained by selecting the network nodes with larger betweenness and degree. And the Wu-Huberman algorithm is improved to partition the system topological structure into multiple-community construction. According to the change of hydraulic parameters in the hydraulic tubes represented by the connection edges between communities,the community containing the fault source node is determined. The community is further extracted from the system network and its reachable matrix is also evaluated. The fault source is finally identified by means of the reachable matrix. The analysis on lifting fault of hydraulic system of steel rolling furnace and the location of the fault source verifies the method is available for identifying the fault source of the complex hydraulic system.
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期79-84,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2007AA04Z432)
关键词 小世界特性 复杂液压系统 故障源搜索 small world property complex hydraulic system fault source identification
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