
能源危机引发对电力发展的思考 被引量:3

The Reflection on the Power Development Caused by Energy Crisis
摘要 能源是人类文明进步的先决条件,它的开发利用是衡量一个社会形态、一个时代、一个国家经济发展科技水平和民族振兴的重要标志。本文讨论的重心是,能源危机和电力发展的关系问题。我们要发展、要富强,必须放眼长远。在保持经济高速发展的同时,我们能为我们的子孙后代留下多大的生存空间,这是一个很敏感又很沉重的话题。本文试从火力发电、可再生资源发电和核发电三个方面的优势和劣势进行分析,火力发电带来的对人类赖以生存的地球的毁灭性污染,对煤炭资源在可预见的未来即将耗尽的严峻问题,揭示电力发展和能源危机不可调和的矛盾的同时,重在对两难问题提出可能的解决办法以及对我们生存环境的人类关怀问题。 Energy is the prerequisite of the progress of human civilization. The development and utilization is an important symbol that can measure a social form, the economic development level of social and technology and the national rejuvenation of an era and a country. The focus of this paper is that the energy crisis and power development. If we want to develop to become prosperous and strong, we must look to the long-term. When we maintain the rapid economic development, we can leave how much surviving space to our children and grandchildren. This is a very sensitive and heavy topic. In this article we try to analyze the strengths and weaknesses from about the thermal power generation, renewable resources, and nuclear power generation.So that we can conclude the thermal power generation brought about the devastating pollution of the earth that is vital to human living and the upcoming issue about the future severe depletion of coal resources in the foreseeable. So we can reveals the irreconcilable contradictions about the power development and energy crisis, the important points of this paper is to put forward the possible solutions about the dilemma and the care issues of living environment of our human.
出处 《山东电力高等专科学校学报》 2010年第2期67-73,共7页 Journal of Shandong Electric Power College
关键词 能源危机 环境保护 电力伦理 科学发展观 energy crisis environmental protection power of ethics scientific concept of development
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