
艺术与科学 被引量:5

Art and Science
摘要 艺术与科学是人类思维和创造的两种重要活动。其所以重要,是因为直接关系到人的物质生活和精神需求。科学能够促进技术发展,提高生产,改善生活的质量;艺术能够有助于精神的陶冶,塑造高尚的人格,两者如同人的一双手,只有举起双手,才能拥抱未来。科学与艺术是一对孪生兄弟,他们之间有共同的基因,非常亲密,不论在思维中还是实际的创造中,两者之间都有很多相互启发、相互影响的关系。科学家不仅仅靠逻辑思维,艺术家也不仅仅靠形象思维;两者都在实践中有所侧重,但是不论科学发明还是艺术创作,都要对事物进行综合、分析、推理和判断。这是带有规律性的和被实践所验证了的历史经验。当前的学术研究中学科、专业分的太细,已经成为问题。艺术和科学各不相干,而且艺术自己也被割裂开来。艺术学的建立,正是要对此进行整合研究,探讨艺术门类之间的个性和共性;没有艺术学的研究,艺术的大繁荣、大发展都是不可能的、无序的。艺术学自身就是一门科学,美学和文艺学是不可能取代的。学术上的问题,本是相互联系的,是为了便于研究,才分成各种学科和专业。但如果因此忘记了事物的本来面目,历史就会走向反面。我们应该始终记住恩格斯的一句话:一个民族想要站在历史的高峰,就时刻不能忘记理论思维。 Art and science are two important activities of human thoughts and creation because they are directly related to the material life and spiritual requirement of human beings. Science can accelerate the technological development, increase production and improve life quality ; art is of help to enrich spirit and create noble personality. They are like a pair of hands; only by raising both hands can we embrace the future. Since science and art are twin brothers, they share the same genes and an intimate relation ; both in thoughts and practical creation, they are mutually enlightened and affected. Scientists depend not only on logical thinking, nor do artists depend only on imagery thinking; they have different focuses in practice. However, both scientific invention and artistic creation need to synthesize, analyze, induct and judge things, which is the historical experience proved by practice. The contemporary over - classification of disciplines and majors has become a problem. Art and science are no longer related ; even art itself is divided. The construction of artistics is to have integrated study exploring the individual and common characteristics among artistic categories ; without study on artistics, the great prosperity and development are in chaos. Since artistics itself is a sci- ence, it can not be replaced by aesthetics and literature study. Academic problems are originally interconnected ; they are divided into various disciplines and majors only for the purpose of study. If we forget the original form, history will go to the opposite direction.
作者 张道一
出处 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期114-115,共2页 Hundred Schools In Arts
基金 国家"211工程"三期"艺术学理论创新与应用研究"项目阶段性成果之一
关键词 艺术 科学 发展规律 艺术学 学科建设 发展 art science development law artistics disciplinary construction development
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