
不同粗糙表面的纯钛种植体的组织相容性评价 被引量:1

Evaluation of the tissue-compatibility of the pure titanium implant with different surface roughness
摘要 目的:通过将不同粗糙度的纯钛种植体植入软组织中,观察软组织对种植体的反应,评价各种种植体的组织相容性。方法:分别将光滑表面、机械表面、微粗糙表面(Ⅰ)、微粗糙表面(Ⅱ)、大粗糙表面的纯钛种植体在第1,30,60,83天分别植入家兔的背部肌肉中,在第90天切取包绕种植体的软组织,进行组织定量评价。结果:90天时微粗糙表面的种植体的软组织反应最小。结论:微粗糙表面能显著降低种植体-组织界面的炎症反应程度,减少软组织包绕层的厚度。 Objective: To investigate the tissue compatibility of commercial pure titanium implant with different roughness.Methods:We inserted the five kinds of implant into the back of rabbits at 1,30,60.83 days separately.and cut down the soft tissues around the implants at 90 days.Result:Qualitative and quantitative histological analysis discovered that commercial pure titanium implants with different surface roughness all have good biocompatibility,Special microrouphness.Conclusion: The microrough surface of implant could drop the inflammative reaction at the interface between implant with soft tissue ,reduce the thick of connective tissue around the implant.
出处 《中国口腔种植学杂志》 2010年第2期68-71,99,共5页 Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
关键词 钛种植体 表面粗糙化 组织相容性 Titanium implant Surface Roughness SoftTissue-Compatibility
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